Best resolution for photos on website wix
Best resolution for photos on website wix

best resolution for photos on website wix

Wix makes it easy to design websites like brochures and they’re not.

best resolution for photos on website wix

Wooooaa! That’s another benefit I hear you shout! Hiding complexities in website development is not necessarily a good thing. What looks good doesn’t necessarily perform well. This is why it shouldn’t be ‘easy’ to build a website. How much business has that ‘cheap’ website cost them? It probably turns out the website has cost them thousands in lost business – there’s a worked example below. They spent $100 on their website with some random overseas company. I’ve also had someone call me to make their website more visible. Yes, I’ve seen expensive websites without Google Analytics installed – a fundamental oversight you shouldn’t really get when spending thousands of dollars. As well as that you need to ensure you have implemented some online tracking so you know how it’s performing, and set up essential Google tools to get insights from your website that may drive your marketing decisions. You need to consider how your content is going to be structured, what image sizes you upload, what page titles you will use, the header text for each page, the calls to action that appear in search engine results (SERPs) as well as conversion optimisation. Before you do that you need to stop and think, and work out what your business needs for your online presence. Wix makes it easy to jump right in, throw together a web page and publish it. Business owners shouldn’t necessarily know what questions to ask – your business is your speciality, you should be able to trust your web developer to ask the right questions. Quite often it’s because they don’t know what to ask about or the web agencies don’t take the time to ask the right questions. Personally I think most companies, particularly small to medium ones, do not spend enough time on their website brief. If it was ‘easy’ to build a website that works then there wouldn’t be hundreds of thousands of blog articles about search engine optimisation (SEO), content structures, on and off site reputation management and conversion optimisation. I like to think I know what looks good but if I tried to design a brochure it would look shocking – I’m not a graphic designer and would never pretend to be one, so why should you pretend to be a website developer when your business depends on your website?. So if Wix makes it easy to build a website why is that a negative? If you approach building a website as an ‘easy’ task then you’ve started off on the wrong foot. Wix makes it easy to build a nice website, and very easy to build a bad performing one.

Best resolution for photos on website wix